Neetu Chandra was never ever in gossips like this, when she does some hot and sexy lesbo photo sessions for the magazine. She said that she can not understand why she is related to as a lesbian?
According to her the photo shots were not related to lesbians and if so then doing some lebo scenes does not mean that she is lesbian.
According to her the photo shots were not related to lesbians and if so then doing some lebo scenes does not mean that she is lesbian.
But she is feeling happy that she is related with the girl and the talks are going on with her relations with a girl. If she was related with some man, the conditions according to her would be more disastrous and helpful for her.
Neetu Chandra plan to add lesbo scene to the ‘The Man’ magazine June issue has been interrupted by a group of people althoug
h the magazine team had decided to go with the pics that have been already taken before the actual processing was really interrupted. Now then we have to wait and see until the public pick up the magazine .......

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